Objects of Desire
Objects of Desire brings together eleven female artists from the Americas, Europe and Asia whose work contends with the distances that our desires compel us to cover. Only a few of the artists in the show actually depict objects. Rather than preoccupy itself with materiality, as the title might seem to suggest, or with the connotations of desire, as a more clumsily conceived show might ask of an all-female cast, Objects of Desire seems to be concerned with something much more elusive: The fleeting moments we perceive to be more material, more permanent, more calcified than any physical object. Scenes of sincerity, glimpses of the natural world under light, and performative figures are rendered with varying tenderness, banality and wit, offering a survey of the experiences, feelings, and sights that captivate without succumbing to any prescriptive definition of what an object of desire must be. Here, an object is whatever holds the artist’s attention, and desire is the ephemeral force binding the two of them together.