Slow Art Day llega a CDMX: una invitación a experimentar el arte con calma y todos los sentidos.
Architectural Digest Mexico Bryce Smith Architectural Digest Mexico Bryce Smith

Slow Art Day llega a CDMX: una invitación a experimentar el arte con calma y todos los sentidos.

El sábado 5 de abril llega a la Ciudad de México una iniciativa global para apreciar el arte de manera pausada y consciente.

Entre los espacios que participan en Slow Art Day se encuentran museos como Museo Vivo del Muralismo y Museo Jumex, espacios culturales como Arte Abierto, Olivia Foundation y Casa Wabi Sabino, y galerías como Kurimanzutto, Le Laboratoire, Enrique Guerrero, Proyecto Paralelo, Claroscuro, Third Born, Naranjo 141, Tinta Naranja y Karen Huber. Esta diversidad refleja el carácter colaborativo que define a Slow Art Day, con más espacios por sumarse. A su vez, da la oportunidad a los visitantes de experimentar con este enfoque en distintos entornos.

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Entre el caos y la precisión: la pintura íntima de Emiliano de Ezkauriatza

Entre el caos y la precisión: la pintura íntima de Emiliano de Ezkauriatza

Emiliano de Ezkauriatza es un artista cuyas obras en escala miniatura revelan mundos y enigmas que desafían la percepción, ocultos a simple vista. Trabaja en pequeñas dimensiones sobre madera (casi del tamaño de una postal). 

Su técnica es minuciosa y precisa, pero su proceso creativo oscila entre el orden y el caos. Construye y destruye continuamente. A través de su arte, explora la fragilidad de la percepción humana y de los materiales, creando imágenes cargadas de tensión, donde lo aparentemente estable parece estar siempre al borde de una transformación.

El trabajo de Emiliano ha sido exhibido en espacios prestigiosos como el Museo Marco (Monterrey), el Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima (Monterrey), y más recientemente en NARANJO 141 y Galería Mascota (CDMX).

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Art Week CDMX 2025: llegó tu guía de exposiciones y galerías
The Happening Bryce Smith The Happening Bryce Smith

Art Week CDMX 2025: llegó tu guía de exposiciones y galerías

Llega Art Week CDMX 2025. Durante esta semana, la ciudad se llena de talento, color y expresión en una serie de exposiciones que prometen desafiar, emocionar y sorprender a los amantes del arte. Desde espacios icónicos hasta galerías emergentes, esta edición reúne a artistas nacionales e internacionales en un diálogo vibrante entre técnicas, estilos y discursos.

NARANJO 141 - An indispensable thing: Un diálogo visual entre dos artistas que exploran la esencialidad de la práctica artística, donde Rudd materializa experiencias subjetivas y Stong-Brett articula el anhelo a través del pincel.

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The Only Guide You’ll Need For Mexico City Art Week 2025
Forbes Bryce Smith Forbes Bryce Smith

The Only Guide You’ll Need For Mexico City Art Week 2025

This A-Z guide is your ticket to the week’s most compelling corners: the shows, the surprises, and the spots to sip, savor, and soak it all in. Welcome to Mexico City Art Week 2025, best enjoyed with an open mind and a strong drink in hand.

NARANJO 141 presents An Indispensable Thing, a two-artist exhibition featuring Carrie Rudd and Lola Stong-Brett. The show highlights their distinct approaches to painting—Rudd’s work gives form to personal experience through layered investigations, while Stong-Brett’s gestural brushwork explores themes of longing and emotion.

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Objects of Desire
Tussle Bryce Smith Tussle Bryce Smith

Objects of Desire

Objects of Desire brings together eleven female artists from the Americas, Europe and Asia whose work contends with the distances that our desires compel us to cover. Only a few of the artists in the show actually depict objects. Rather than preoccupy itself with materiality, as the title might seem to suggest, or with the connotations of desire, as a more clumsily conceived show might ask of an all-female cast, Objects of Desire seems to be concerned with something much more elusive: The fleeting moments we perceive to be more material, more permanent, more calcified than any physical object. Scenes of sincerity, glimpses of the natural world under light, and performative figures are rendered with varying tenderness, banality and wit, offering a survey of the experiences, feelings, and sights that captivate without succumbing to any prescriptive definition of what an object of desire must be. Here, an object is whatever holds the artist’s attention, and desire is the ephemeral force binding the two of them together. 

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Qué hacer el fin del 13 al 15 de septiembre: expos, un brunch y el inicio de las fiestas patrias
The Happening Bryce Smith The Happening Bryce Smith

Qué hacer el fin del 13 al 15 de septiembre: expos, un brunch y el inicio de las fiestas patrias

Palabras de Lluvia - Al igual que la lluvia, imprevisible o introspectiva, esta muestra lleva a la audiencia a ser testigo de una gama volátil de corrientes, en donde la mutabilidad del agua es la única constante. Ya se en formatos verticales u horizontales, las piezas llevan la idea del constante cambio. Inaugura el sábado 14, a las 11:00 hrs.

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Inside the Mathews Sisters’ Bold New Vision for Their Family Collection
Artsy Bryce Smith Artsy Bryce Smith

Inside the Mathews Sisters’ Bold New Vision for Their Family Collection

Roselyn notes that her relationships with artists often come from visiting artist residencies. A current obsession of hers is Indian artist Sagarika Sundaram’s textiles after encountering her work at the Silver Arts Project at 4 World Trade Center earlier this year. At the same residency, her parents encountered and purchased a work from a senior fellow of the residency, Jared Owens. Roselyn’s latest purchase, Untitled (2023–24) by Pauline Shaw was also acquired through a residency program after she met the artist during the Naranjo 141 residency in Mexico City. Both sisters emphasize the importance of social media, mainly Instagram, in contemporary collecting. Roselyn uses the platform to reach out to emerging artists, noting how she takes an interest if prominent collectors, such as Aby Rosen, follow emerging artists.

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La lista Best 2024, los mejores lugares en CDMX este año
Time Out Mexico Bryce Smith Time Out Mexico Bryce Smith

La lista Best 2024, los mejores lugares en CDMX este año

Si caminas por la calle de Naranjo en una de las colonias más antiguas de la ciudad, Santa María la Ribera, jamás te percatarías de que detrás de este portón rojo de madera antigua pero bien cuidada, estaría un pequeño oasis transformado en galería de arte, un lugar donde la luz hace un juego de sombras con los cuartos y el jardín, que se combina con propuestas artísticas que mezclan lo clásico con lo innovador. Eso es Naranjo 141, que busca hacer un lugar invitando a artistas muy jóvenes a hacer residencia en esta casa de ensueño.

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Coeval Bryce Smith Coeval Bryce Smith


Through a diverse range of mediums, from sculptures to paintings, Justin invites viewers to contemplate the fluidity of memory and the passage of time. His residency in Mexico City has further enriched his artistic practice, providing him with new perspectives and opportunities for growth. In "Archive," Justin Chance offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience, inviting audiences to engage with the complexities of time and memory in an ever-changing world.

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La lista Best 2024, los mejores lugares en CDMX este año
Time Out Mexico Bryce Smith Time Out Mexico Bryce Smith

La lista Best 2024, los mejores lugares en CDMX este año

Si caminas por la calle de Naranjo en una de las colonias más antiguas de la ciudad, Santa María la Ribera, jamás te percatarías de que detrás de este portón rojo de madera antigua pero bien cuidada, estaría un pequeño oasis transformado en galería de arte, un lugar donde la luz hace un juego de sombras con los cuartos y el jardín, que se combina con propuestas artísticas que mezclan lo clásico con lo innovador. Eso es Naranjo 141, que busca hacer un lugar invitando a artistas muy jóvenes a hacer residencia en esta casa de ensueño.

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Qué hacer el fin del 22 al 24 de marzo en CDMX
The Happening Bryce Smith The Happening Bryce Smith

Qué hacer el fin del 22 al 24 de marzo en CDMX


El artista y escritor neoyorquino presenta su trabajo como parte de su residencia en CDMX. Lenguaje, tiempo y memoria son algunos de los temas que impregna en su obra a través de dibujo, esculturas y principalmente la técnica de acolchado, una especie de tejido de tres capas que juega con lo visible y la posibilidad de descubrir lo que se esconde.

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Conoce la nueva exposición en NARANJO 141
The Happening Bryce Smith The Happening Bryce Smith

Conoce la nueva exposición en NARANJO 141

Hablamos sobre su nueva exposición en la que ha estado trabajando durante un tiempo. Su influencia en México, en Santa María de la Ribera, en nuestro lenguaje y humor que, definitivamente se refleja en su nuevo proyecto. Sus dibujos, sus colores y la forma en que se expresa desde su nuevo estudio en la ciudad son únicos, al aire libre y en una colonia sin moscas, nada que ver con mi espacio en Nueva York, nos cuenta Justin.

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Going "Here, Elsewhere" with Anna Kenneally and Lizzy Lunday in Mexico City
Juxtapoz Magazine Bryce Smith Juxtapoz Magazine Bryce Smith

Going "Here, Elsewhere" with Anna Kenneally and Lizzy Lunday in Mexico City

The art world had its eyes and heart in Mexico City last week, and we are still going through all the shows, openings and artists we were seeing across the city. NARANJO 141 opened a two-person show with a little cross-Atlantic pairing of our favorites of the moment: London's Anna Kenneally and Brooklyn's Lizzy Lunday in Here, Elsewhere.

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The 9 Best Events during Mexico City Art Week
Whitewall Bryce Smith Whitewall Bryce Smith

The 9 Best Events during Mexico City Art Week

Founded by Ashley Noyes and Bryce Smith nearly a year ago within a traditional rowhouse in Santa Maria la Ribera, NARANJO 141—a project-based contemporary art gallery and residency program—is currently presenting “Here, Elsewhere.” Open through March 10, it is a collaborative exhibition highlighting the latest works by Anna Kenneally and Lizzy Lunday, respectively hailing from London and Brooklyn. Employing a spontaneous and dynamic approach, the artists depict individuals navigating unknown landscapes in their creations.

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Discover Mexico City’s Thriving Art Scene
Galerie Magazine Bryce Smith Galerie Magazine Bryce Smith

Discover Mexico City’s Thriving Art Scene

Naranjo 141, opened by former Sotheby’s specialists Ashley Noyes and Bryce Smith, secured an artist’s home and studio to create a stylish gallery and art residency, where it’s offering new figurative paintings by Anna Kenneally and Lizzy Lunday and ceramics by Dani Moreno, while Justin Chance is making new work in the studio.

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Commemorating Two Decades of Mexico City's Art Week's Soaring Popularity
Coveteur Bryce Smith Coveteur Bryce Smith

Commemorating Two Decades of Mexico City's Art Week's Soaring Popularity

NARANJO 141, having opened their gallery in Santa Maria la Ribera close to a year ago, presents "Here, Elsewhere," a joint exhibition featuring the new paintings of Anna Kenneally and Lizzy Lunday, London-based and Brooklyn-based artists, respectively. Following their inclusion in a New York group show at Fredericks & Freiser Gallery in 2021, this exhibition marks their first formal showcase in Mexico. Themed around the virtue of being present and grappling with the lack of familiarity with a new city, the works explore the challenges of remaining mindful when disconnected from the familiar. Through improvisational energy, the artists' compositions depict characters navigating uncertain terrain, drawing on archetypes that traverse epochs. Both artists converge in a relentless pursuit of the present, addressing uncertainties in identity and location throughout their compelling work.

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Interview with Ashley Noyes and Bryce Smith
Besos Magazine Bryce Smith Besos Magazine Bryce Smith

Interview with Ashley Noyes and Bryce Smith

Ashley and Bryce have been passionate about emerging artists for as long as I’ve known them. When I first met them out front of Sothebys on York and 72nd in 2019, it wasn’t the most recent Marden, Rothko, or De Kooning auction prices that they were talking about— they wanted to know if I was free to go gallery hopping in LES, Tribeca, Williamsburg, and if I was available that weekend to go upstate to check out The School and Magazino.

Few Saturday mornings have passed since then without me waking up to a text from one or both of them asking if I’ll be ready before the weekenders overrun the latest thing they want to show me. Their first visit to Mexico City in 2020 prompted a constant stream of messages exclaiming how inspired they were by the thriving creative atmosphere. When they told me they were leaving their secure art-world positions to go all-in on a residency and gallery program in Santa Maria la Ribera, I wasn’t the least bit surprised.

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Your Go-To Guide For Mexico City Art Week 2024
Forbes Bryce Smith Forbes Bryce Smith

Your Go-To Guide For Mexico City Art Week 2024

Let the everywhere-ness of Art Week take you to Here, Elsewhere, a two-artist exhibition of new works by Anna Kenneally and Lizzy Lunday, their first show in Mexico City. Located in NARANJO 141, this timely exhibit asks what it means to be present in a new city with an unfamiliar rhythm—just as you may be, dear visitor. United by a mutual inclination to reject formulaic approaches, the duo's second exhibition in three years pulsates with improvisational energy—every brushstroke presents a new chance to reimagine composition, narrative, and gesture.

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